Viva Las Vegas

Welcome to Las Vegas

It’s good getting free trips through work and especially this one on a visit to Las Vegas in Nevada USA. I guess I would have enjoyed it slightly more if I’d not gone down with man flu the day before I flew! Typical really…..anyway the main reason for visiting was for Sun’s technical symposium. It’s a good excuse for techies to mingle and meet with other techies around the globe……or for a jolly depending on how you look at it. Most of us stayed in the Paris Hotel on the strip where the rest of the top hotels are.

The Strip

I have to say that I found the entire Vegas experience over the top but I guess that’s the plan. It’s got a slight surreal air about it what with fantasy hotels and sight, sounds etc but that’s the attaction so many people enjoy. I only managed to gamble $6 but I’m sure many others gamble a lot more. There are slot machines in every hotel, shop and even at the airport and even come with seat in front of them so you can sit down whilst giving away your money to the casino conglomerates. 🙂

Later in the week a small group of us took the hour drive to the Hoover Dam which is south of Las Vegas. It’s quite an incredible piece of engineering and it’s well worth visiting the vistor’s centre and taking the tour of the complex underground especially viewing the generating equipment.

The Hoover Dam

Next on the hit list was a trip to the Grand Canyon which Jarod and I took via hiring a car. Embarking on the 10 hour round trip seemed like a crazy plan but the long journey across the state was worth it for the brief viewing pleasure of the canyon.

The Grand Canyon

So if you’re really bored then you can see my entire Vegas trip pictures here.