Tulum -> Playa Del Carmen

Up early and prepared for our underground cenote tour of Dos Ojos and our snorkelling adventure. We were picked up and taken to the main dive centre where we got our wetsuit and kit. We then headed along a very bumpy road with our English guides to the destination. We walked to the mouth of the cenote, geared up and jumped in (well I did). The water was crystal clear and you could see fantastic rock formations including stalactites and stalagmites. The water temp was ok but glad I had a wetsuit on. We swam, duck dived, and enjoyed following our tour guide into little caverns and crevices with sunlight piercing through in parts (Phoebe was nervous but absolutely loved it once she was in the water). It was fantastic and I took some underwater pics. We spent about an hour swimming around before we got cold, got out and headed home. From here we had a quick drink and caught a collectivo to Playa del Carmen and managed to get a room at the Kinbe hotel which was right next to the beach. We popped out for a quick drink before sitting on the beach/swimming for a while – we even sore fish so close to the shore. We went home to shower and ended up watching a movie on our little sky TV which was kinda cool. We eventually found an Argentinean restaurant for dinner which was lovely although our stomachs have definitely shrunken. This time we managed to stay out quite late too!