To France and back in a day.....

The alarm clock politely reminded me that it was time to get up at 5.30am of which the natrual reaction is to press the snooze button as many times as possible to avoid getting up. However my mobile alarm clock reminded me again, followed by my iPod alarm clock. Mmmm, I think it reall was time to get up….damm. Showered and clean (well almost) I proceeded to pick up Ed and then Kev before heading down the A3 to the M25 for the drive to Dover. We got there quite early, so had time for a cup of tea and breakfast at a local cafe before getting stuck in a traffic jam queueing for the ferry. Having missed the 905 we got booked onto the 945 destined for Calais. An hour and half later and an interesting rocky dock we landed in sunny France from where we headed down the A16 to the fishing port of Bogongue for lunch where we found a very nice resturant. Ed had mussels, Kev and I had steaks! 🙂 I think we would have all been happy finding somewhere to enjoy some more beers and have an afternoon nap but shopping prevented that. Once lunch we open we headed back down the A16 to City Europe, one hell of shopping complex and mayhem! I think every man, his dog, the gerbil, and the pet duck collection were out shopping. Hardly surprising really what with Christmas next weekend. We had a specific mission of getting some Gin and Vodka for the Sloe’s we’d collected a couple of months ago (actually it’s about 18lbs!). Once we’d got that it was wine time which took some time but Ed already knew what to look for which helped. We all got the other bits and peices we wanted before Ed and I went back to the car to pack. Kev had to pop to Tesco and get some other stuff but wasn’t long before we then headed back to Calais. The ferry trip back was lumpy due to the gale force winds which were battering the boat. A quick snooze time and we were back in Dover and driving back home which seemed to take a while! Once I’d dropped Ed and Kev off I headed home for a quick beer and some food. Matt and I then popped round one of my work mates as he was having a party but we didn’t stay long and the long awaited sleep was bliss…….