Tikal -> Flores

Tikal from Templo 4
Up at 5.45 (again) so we could prepare for our early bird tour of Tikal. We met our guide Caesar, waited for the others to have breakfast (at which time Phoebe saw a baby hummingbird flying around while I was in the loo) and set off to the ticket office. We walked through the dense forest to temple IV for the climb to the top and the fantastic view across the canopy and the other temples. The walk to the top was tiring but worth it in the end. I suspect the views haven’t changed for thousands of years and only looked different at the height of the Mayan empire when there were clearings. We continued with our guide around other temples and other equally impressive views. Caesar the guide was very knowledgeable and passionate about the place, the history and the conservation of the place. The temperature here even first thing was very hot although cooler beneath the forest canopy. We saw loads of wildlife including toucans, quetzals, spider monkeys, racoon thingies and lots more. After the tour we returned to the jaguar inn and packed our bags before catching a bus about 2pm back to Flores. Once we found another hotel for the night got some beers and ice cream and chilled in our balcony for a while – Phoebe was watching CNN about the USA president – before heading out for dinner to a jungle themed restaurant.