The Polish Experience

The only thing I like about working is the chance of travel and so began the trip to Krakow in Poland. However, the only downside on going was that I was working the late nightshift on Saturday……oh well. So after finishing at 7am on the Sunday morning having worked 10.5 hours I was picked up by my colleague Graham and taken to Gatwich airport. A hearty breakfast of a sauage sandwich and a beer we boarded the BA flight for Krakow. 2 hours later we arrived at Krakow airport to meet my other colleague Oliver before heading off to the Holiday Inn in the centre of town. A short wander around we found a bar and had to have a couple of beers (served in a long see through pipe with a tap at the end). The rest of the evening was a blur and surfice to say the food and sleep later finally ended my long day.

However the hangover and full days work that followed the next day wasn’t pleasent. Perhaps I’d learn my lesson……..nope. Further evenings out during the week proved that the poles can drink and I can’t. Oh hum, somethings you learn the hard way. Our Polish work colleagues was very pleasent and we all enjoyed a couple of good nights out…even with vast quantaties of Vodka “Mad dogs” included. “Mad dogs” are interesting especially with what goes into them:

Instructions for a “Mad dog”

Pour a dash of raspberry syrup into the bottom of a glass, layer the vodka on top of the syrup and then add 3 drops of Tobassco sauce to the top…..then drink…… oooo that hits the spot. Don’t have too many though coz it hurts.

It was on the whole a good experience, and not what I expected from an eastern block country. It was very interesting to find out that my youth was very much different from some of my Polish colleagues in that eighteen years ago they add to queue up to by esentials such as toilet paper. I guess us in the west have had it easy…………..makes you think less about complaining……

……let’s hope I can sort out another trip as I’d like to see more. Oh yeah, the photo’s are available here.