The Band moves on...

Blimey, it’s been a while since I posted something….perhaps I’ve been lacking in doing anything exciting! Yep, I’ve been working nights at work and have just finished another exciting 7 days on shift. Still it’s Band Practice night tonight which I am looking forward to. Since Chris left we were looking for another bass player which the position has now been filled by Alex one of my oldest friends (no he’s not old ok!….you know what I mean) which is go but we still don’t have a full time vocalist yet. However, all is not lost as I got thrown at the musofinder website and we have a potential candidate which we’re hoping to audition soon. Still we’ve got some work to do in the meantime in tightening our current set list up. Anyway he’s what we’re gonna get sorted for the tick in the box before adding the others to the list:

Are you gonna go my way – Lenny Kravitz
Fire – Hendrix
Won’t back down – Tom Petty
The Undertones – Teenage Kicks
Under the bridge – RHCP
The Black Crowes – Hard to handle

Oooo, rock and roll