Something is happening under the stairs

Finally dug out!
Yesterday, Matt and myself finished digging out the floor under the stairs. The reason for this was the same reason I dug out the dinning room floor and that was to avoid damp issues. It was also because the original 1/4″ tiles got dug up for the central heating pipes. This reveled the same as underneath the dinning room floor……lime motar and then dirt. It took about 4 trips to the tip to remove the dug out dirt and I’m thankful it wasn’t any more! 🙂

Concrete is down
Today, it was time to line the floor of the hole with damp proof liner and the mix and pour 20 bags of balast with 2 1/2 bags of cement into the hole! I must say a big thanks to Matt for his help in mixing all that cement up otherwise it would have taken me all day to complete. I suspect that it’ll take a good couple of days at least for the floor to cure and once that’s done it’ll be time to put down some self leveling mix. Once that’s done I’ll be able to tile, plumb before putting an electrical socket and when complete the washing machine can be installed in there! 🙂 That’ll then leave a space for the dish washer in the kitchen.

Then….only another 4000 things to do….. 🙂