Snowboarding - Sauze dOulx

Sauze dOulx

Yep, that’s correct I’ve been snowboarding again but this time Italy and Sauze d’Oulx. I had my reservations about snowboarding in Italy and especially staying in a hotel rather than a chalet but it wasn’t that bad. The weather was good in terms of clear blue skies but obviously it effected the snow conditions. This meant icy slopes in the morning and then slushy in the afternoon. We had a small amount of snow fall midweek and then a major dump on the friday when we visited Mongenèvre in France which I thought was a better resort than Italy. Says a lot doesn’t it an Englishman preferring the French slopes to the Italian! 🙂 I’d like to go back to Italy again except this time visit the Dolomites as it was recommended by some friends. I think Canada is on my hit list for next year but I guess that depends on how much money I’ve got available following a year of DIY on the house. Still it was a good holiday and a good chance to catch up with some old friends who I went with! 🙂