Shangrila to Banos

Woke up a little jaded from the night before and had breakfast. After that we completed our packing and put our baggage on to the lift to take back up to the top. From there we took a public bus to Banos. Once there we settled into our hotel and sorted our washing out (Carlos took us to the laundry shop!) After a quick tour of Banos we had lunchin a sandwich place. (Not without visiting the cuy bbq with guinea pigs on a stick. (They did not look particularly appealing for lunch). From there Pheebs and I wandered around for a while and attempted to visit the odd museum but it was closed so we went for a chinese massage instead!! After that we headed back to the hotel for a shower and then chilled until it was time for dinner. Carlos took us to a French restaurant which was not too bad. After that we headed back to our hotel where the world fell out for me (Still once the world stabilised we both went to sleep). Although Pheebs did not sleep very well after all.