Quito to Papallacta

We got up after a nights sleep (I’ll say nights sleep because I had a good night but Pheebs did not) and headed down to breakfast where we met some of our travelling companions. After breakfast Pheebs and I headed out for a wander around Quito to the park and then
found a coffee place (Magic Bean) for a quick drink and a quick snack. We then headed back to pack and then catch the truck to the bus station with our fellow travellers (and Carlos). The bus journey was OK and we eventually made it to Papallacta via another truck ride and then made our way to our chalet. We then jumped into our swimming stuff and hit the hot springs! Pheebs and I stayed in the hot springs for 30 – 40 mins before turning into prunes! We got out and got dressed before meeting everyone else for dinner. After dinner, we all went to bed for a good night’s sleep (well I did anyway), this was Pheebs worst night so far pretty high up and she felt it with her breathing! In fact she ended up playing patience on her phone all night.