Quito to Cayambe

Woke up and had a shower before heading down for breakfast. Met the other (Jennifer, Sarah and David) and jumped in a taxi to the Tetefesiqo. From there we ascended to 4100 feet in a cable car to the top. At that point you had a really fantastic view of Quito and the surrounding countryside. We stayed there for a little while before descending in the cable car to catch a taxi back to our hotel. At the hotel we packed and then met the others in the lobby. Carlos then took us by minibus to the bus station where we picked up a very modern bus. 2 hours later we arrived at a junction in Cayambe where we waited for a short while for another bus. Once that came id did not take very long to get to the Hacienda Gachala 1580. After getting our room sorted we were on the move again to visit the centre of the world at Quitsato Sun Dial which was very cool. After that we headed back to the Hacienda and chilled out with a beer by the pool. We then had dinner in front of the fire before moving into the pool room for pool and a game of set by the fire. After that Pheebs and I headed to bed (where I’d already lit a fire!)