Quito (Old Town)

Got up and had breakfast at the hotel (once we had realised it was with the room!) Not long after Pheebs ate the eggs she ran off feeling unwell! Finished my breakfast and chatted to the Americans who were sat next to me. After some lengthy conversations I checked on Pheebs who was lying in bed feeling sick. After a while she recovered and we went for a long walk to the bakery to get some bread and cake for lunch. We then got a taxi to the Parque La Coolina where we visited the Jardin Botanico which was very pleasant wandering around and admiring plants. From there we walked to the Vivcium and saw snakes and reptiles, but as it was quite hot we left. We hailed a cab back to the Grand Plaza. There we walked to the San Francisco Plaza for a much needed drink. In the Plaza someone was flying a remote controlled Helicopter which drew a crowd. After that we wandered back to the hotel and chilled out. Following that we went out to dinner at Café del Fraile. The food was good but service a little slow! (however that seems to be the case everywhere in Ecuador!). After that we walked back to the hotel where we had to wait 15 minutes before someone let us into the hotel! (and that was 8pm!). It also happened the previous night but that was at 10pm and was quicker) Anyway we read until time for bed.