Quito (Old Town) to Galapagos Islands

The alarm woke us up and we got our things sorted before heading downstairs for our private taxi. The taxi then proceeded to drive like a maniac to the airport (and which most drivers drive like idiots anyway). However as the fare was $5 and we did not have any change (nor did the driver) I had to run inside to get a bottle of water in order to pay the exact fare! Anyway we found the representative of the boat who gave us the necessary paperwork to enter the Galapagos and checked our stuff in. After that we waited for the plane in the waiting lounge. The flight did not take that long and before we knew it we had arrived on the world famous islands (and at sea level!) We gladly sucked in the sea level air which was especially good after spending a couple of weeks at altitude! We got through the red tape at the Baltra Airport met our guide and eventually made it to the boat. After lunch on board the boat moved to Isla Seymour where we disembarked the boat via dingy to the island for a walk around seeing the wild life (which was in abundance and did not seem to mind at looking at them and taking photos). We saw Frigate birds, Land Iguanas*, Sea lions, Gulls, Sally Lightfoot Crabs, sea iguanas and much more. The little island was very hot and there was little shade from the blazing sun. An hour and a half later we made it back to the dingy and back to the ship. From there we set sail for PTO Agora which was a 5 hour trip under steam. After a shower the dinner bell was rung and we ventured downstairs. However not everyone was feeling good as many were attempting to gain their sealers! (and some did not even make it to the toilet so the decks have to be swabbed). After dinner we chilled for a while before we eventually made it to Port Angora. Once we had anchored things settled down and we had a quick coffee before heading to bed (with the gentle rocking of the boat!)