Quito (Old Town)

Got up and had a sort of shower once we had worked out how it worked! After that we had to check our bank balance after we failed to get money from the ATM last night. Luckily Pheebs Barclaycard worked! We managed to find a internet café to check things out (which were ok so it must be our cards that do not work in the old town!) After that we found a place to have breakfast. After that we headed back to the hotel to do our absolutions! Then we went out to the Grand Palace to watch the changing of the guard which included a presidential appearance! The ceremony lasted 30 minutes and included men with spears, swords and horseback mounted soldiers.

After that spectacle we did the old town tour of the city which included some visit to some very elaborate churches (and one that contained a ton and a half of gold). After that we headed back to the San Francisco Plaza for lunch. After lunch we headed back to the hotel to chill for a while. By the time we chilled for the afternoon it was dinner time so we headed to the Vista Bermosa. The views inside are good and the view from the roof is even better but a little chilly. The dinner portions are huge and we both failed to consume all of it. After that we took some nightime photos before heading back to the hotel to sleep.