Quito (New Town to Old Town)

Woke up and eventually got out of bed. Checked the laundry but it was not ready so we had breakfast instead. Afterwards we chilled out in the hotel room as check out was not until 2pm. After some chilling out I went to check if the laundry was ready which it was so we sorted it all out back at the room. After some further chilling we finished packing and made our way down to reception to leave our bags whilst we went to lunch with Rachael who was looking slightly better than yesterday but was not going to the Galapagos due to still being ill. After lunch we moved on to our next hotel in the old town (and via taxi who charged us ($4) and was a little bad at driving! The La Posada Colonial on first impression was a little quirky but seemed ok. Once we had settled we had a quick tour of the old city but it was a little busy with some demonstrations going on. After that we headed back to chill out, After which we popped out for something to eat. Walking the deserted streets was a little disconcerting but eventually we found somewhere to eat. After that we headed back to our room to chill further and go to sleep.