Playa Del Carmen

Wandering around Playa Del Carmen
Up late (for us) and walked around to find somewhere for breakfast – pancakes again, why don’t I learn? After we went to the hotel terrace to chill in quietness and sunbath a little (although you could see a lot of building work going on around the area). I don’t think it was the best idea to sit out in the hottest part of the day however as I felt very wobberly. We went down to the beach for a swim and to cool off. We had an afternoon nap and then went out for ice cream and a wander around looking for some little pressie ideas. We both felt the heat was getting to us finally and felt rather swimmy so we grabbed Pringles and beers and headed back to watch TV for a while in air conditioning! Eventually we dragged ourselves out to a little Italian restaurant in a tiny artisan courtyard which was perfect. Again we wandered around and bought some pressies.