Pimpilala (Delfini)

Woke early with the muffled sound of running water (due to wearing earplugs) and then got up. We all met up for breakfast which consisted of egg and plantain plus thick coffee. Afterwards we were all sorted for wearing wellies for our trek into the jungle. The “ involved lots of walking in the stream near Delfini House and we were led by Rolando and Eddie. They brought rope as we had some interesting waterfalls to climb Pheebs and I had a waterfall shower and I nearly lost my sunglasses. However Rolando managed to dive into the rock pool to recover them. From there we continued (albeit soaking wet) further up the mountain with further climbing experiences on other waterfalls. Eventually we wandered back to Delfini to have lunch. After lunch we got booted again and wandered around with Delfin who showed us the various forest jungle plants and their uses in their daily lives. I even managed to climb a tree using one which Delfin made! After wandering around we found a vista overlooking a river (and saw a large fire ant) before heading back to camp. From there we got cleaned up for dinner. After dinner Delfin explained about the role of a shower and performed various ceremonies on folks from our group. We then learnt about Quidina Marriage Ceremony and the girl’s had to dance including Pheebs! After that we headed to bed.