Pheebs Camping Weekend

Camping Fire

Well, it started off as another sunny camping experience as Pheebs and I made our way to Faringdon in Oxfordshire for Phoebe’s annual camping event. We were booked in at the Brichcombe Farm campsite which is actually in Uffington near Faringdon. Pheebs and I managed to set up our tent and the gazebo before the rest of our camping team mates turned up. I think both of us were a little disappointed at the attitude of the campsite owner who was a little off to say the least. She complained about the reduced number of campers that were with our party and then forgot to deduct the deposit that was sent by post. Still the campsite was very pleasant but with a long walk to the nearest pub for dinner! 🙂 Saturday brought us rain and lots of it but it didn’t stop our 8 odd mile walk around Uffington and the surrounding villages. Suffice to say the pub at the end of it brought a welcome relief to our hunger and thirst……and perhaps achy feet! I also can’t believe that we actually missed the white horse as we were standing on it rather than across on the mount viewing it…. doh. Still, apart from the evening rain we still managed to get a fire going using a special fire pit under the gazebo which was lucky because it blew a hooligan outside. The wind and rain didn’t ease until the morning by which it was time to go home and enjoy dryness. 🙂 Still, despite the elements it was enjoyable but both Pheebs and I were glad to get home. Thanks to Pheebs for organizing another camping trip..xx