Palenque Bomampak / Yaxchilan

Up at 5.45 for our trip to Bonampak and Yaxchilan, more Mayan sites. We had to wait a little while for the minibus to turn up and then drove for an hour or so where we stopped for breakfast in a little roadside restaurant – buffet style and delicious. We chatted to some fellow English travellers which was nice and then continued on to Bonampak which didn’t take too long to wander around. We drove further then to collect a boat to take us down the river to Yaxchilan. The boat was a long wooden dug out canoe with seats down the port/starboard sides and a palm roof. The trip took 45 mins and was lovely to our left was Mexico and to our right was Guatemala! We had two hours to look around the ruins which were deep in the jungle and quite high up little pathways in the mountains. Very beautiful. It was great walking around the jungle hearing howler monkeys and getting a glimpse of them in the trees. Phoebe was really happy about the monkeys, and a cricket jumped on her. Lots of butterflies everywhere, lizards and a big big spider. It was great climbing on the structures and generally noseying around. Finally, we went into a labyrinth which was pitch black and scary. Phoebe didn’t want to point the camera on the floor in case something was lurking. It was cool and we saw some tiny tiny bats. Very cute indeed. After the visit it was another boat trip back and lunch all together in a restaurant (which English couple living in Mexico City and Dutch girl). We then drove back to Palenque for a shower and out for dinner in the evening, in the middle of the jungle with a Mexican band (guitarist and bassist) and everything!