Otavalo to Quito

Woke up really early with the loud sounds of motor vehicles (and the smell of exhaust fumes). Attempted to ignore the sounds but eventually got up and got dressed. Wandered downstairs and bumped into Sarah so went to breakfast together in a restaurant overlooking the main market square. Afterwards we wandered the food and clothing markets (local) which was interesting (strange meat small) before finding a small café for a coke. After which we wandered back to the hotel to get ready for our trip back to Quito. As Rachael was not too good she got a taxi back to Quito with Sarah and Benito whilst Will also got a private cab back with David.The rest of us got a taxi to the bus terminal and caught the public bus to Quito. From the Quito public bus terminal we got picked up by private van to the Amazonia’s hotel. Pheebs and I then took our dirty washing to the laundry next door and then had a late lunch at the Magic Bean. We then headed back to the hotel room to chill out for a little while. At 6pm I went with Carlos to copy David’s camera memory card so we could have a copy of bus pictures (I plan to put them on line for the rest of the tour to see when back at home). However we had to get to the shopping mall to find a photography shop which sold USB sticks and had the ability to read a memory card. Once we got back (albeit a bit late) we attempted to get ready for dinner but Pheebs and my washing was not ready (and would not be until tomorrow morning!) So we headed out in shorts. Carlos took us to an Italian (minus Rachael who still was not 100% well, although we did say goodbye to her before dinner) Where we had our final meal together. After that we headed back to the hotel to say our final farewells before going to bed. Pheebs did pay Rachael a visit to check she was ok and to swop mobile numbers as we were going to be around for a while before our tip to the Galapagos Islands. So the end of our First Gap Tour………