On holiday in Mexico, Guatamala & Belize

Bomapak - Mexico

I´m currently enjoying myself with Phoebe on a much needed 3 week holiday and this is the first time I´ve managed to sit down at a computer properly to update my blog. It´s been a bit of a mad 7 odd days with lots of bus journeys through Mexico and now into Guatamala. I´ve kept a diary which I´ll update and publish when I get back home otherwise I´ll be typing all day and won´t get a chance to see the sights. Our adventure so far started in Mexico in Cancun -> Merida -> Palanque and now we´ve travelled over the border to Flores in Guatamala. Flores is absolutely beautiful as it´s a little island on a large lake and so very pleasent to sit around in the evening with a cool beer. 🙂 We´ve seen so many Mayan sites already and have Tikal to look forward to tomorrow. Anyway must dash, got some more chilling to do!