Old School - Return of the Three Sputums

Ahh, it’s good seeing old mates again as it brings back all the memories of youth….not that I’m that old yet…..although! Nah…… Had to pay a visit to Londenium for a site visit in Canery Warf and thought it would be good to catch up with an old mate who also works there. Mr B was his usual self and the beers kept flowing with me trying to get used to the city “Suited and Booted” environment. Still we’ve both agreed that all three of the “Three Sputems” (Dave, Alex and myself) need to arrange for a drinking exhersion for old times sake.Just need to arrange a date now which means finding a gap in my diary…….mmmmmm, gonna be a bit tied up for a couple of weeks with Weddings and Stag do’s to attend, plus my permanent quest of for the “right” girl……( now do they exist? If they do then answers on a post card!)……