New tunes time.....

Ah, finally started playing around with recording again, It’s about time and a long time coming. The first track is a re-recording of serendipity which I wrote many years ago. It reminds me of my Nan the Rice Pudding expert (well she was only called that because o the accident with the pressure cooker and rice pudding creation!) who I dedicated the song to. I’m sure she would have liked it :)This time it’s a direct recording onto the mac using Logic. I’m gonna probably going to record it again as this is only a rough test track but it’s got the basic idea. Hopefully I’ll get my bass back again soon so I can add some mellow bass undertones. The second track is entitled playing as I only playing with a test drum track! Again need to add some funky bass to really groove it up. Stay tuned as I’ve plenty more ideas…….perhaps I should also go into the ear plug market! 🙂 You can listen to Serendipity below:

_start(FALSE, “order=10”)