Nairobi to London

Woke early again but at least it was a little cooler than the night before. We watched the news for a while whilst gathering ourselves and heard about the bomb and shootings in Norway). We then got up, showered, packed and grabbed our last bits and bobs. We went down to the restaurant for breakfast and met the others. We then chilled for a while before meeting Often and co at the truck. We took some corking group photo’s by the truck and then rushed down to the restaurant to meet the new group – telling them all the highlights but not giving away Often’s secrets as he loves them so much. With that done we set off in the truck to Kigali airport where we said our final farewells with big hugs to Often, Charles and Bernard. We went through security for check-in and although there wasn’t a queue it seemed to take forever. We then passed through passport control before further security and making it to the departure lounge. After some time we boarded the Kigali-Nairobi flight and in 1.5 hours we had arrived. We then had a horrendous 7 hour wait in naff Nairobi Airport – not a good departure lounge. We chatted, wondered, played cards and then played Rob’s music quiz (which we were both terrible at) to pass the time. Eventually (hooray!!) we boarded our homeland bound flight and arrived at London Heathrow the next morning about 6.30am. We did the usual passport control, baggage re-claim etc located the gorilla walking sticks which were taped together with my (Andy’s) smelly walking socks. We said our final goodbyes to the group and then got the bus to terminal 5 to pick up our Rail Air after a quick coffee at Costa. From Reading we headed home on the train. And that, as they say, is that!