Merida -> Palenque

Day of the Dead
Up early again had breakfast and checked out although left our bags in some lockers. Leaving on a night bus today so headed to CAME bus station to get our tickets early – Good job too as there was a problem with our tickets and struggled for ages to get someone to understand us, thankfully a lovely man came to our aid. Finally got it sorted and we wondered back to town through the hustle and bustle and found a quiet café for lunch. It was the Day of the Dead festival today so we wondered around the square where all the festivities were taking place, mostly offerings of food to the spirits. We sat for a bit and watched the world go by. Wondered back to the hostel to read etc but got really bored! So went back to the fun bar for drinks and burritos whilst having a heart to heart. Finally we got to the bus station with our stuff and got on the night bus to Palenque. The bus left on time and we dozed our way through the night.