Masai Mara to Kembu Farm

Woke at 6am for our early morning game drive with Jimmy. Things were fairly quiet on the plains although we did see a pride of lions feasting on a fresh kill (we were just too late to witness it). We also found the same family of cheetahs which decided to jump on one of the safari vehicles, we were a little nervous as they came close to us but apparently they are friendly (but still wild!!). We also saw many more wildebeest and zebra, a Uganda bird, a pair of jackals and vultures (undertakers!). Once we had finished the game drive it was sadly time to leave the Masai Mara and head (all the way back!) to Nakuru. The drive was again very bumpy but eventually after some pit-stops we arrived at Kembu Farm where we were reunited with the big truck and our driver Charles. The farm was a fantastic little spot with sculptured elephants and an old gypsy cart, as well as several tiny and enormous resident dogs which took a great liking to me (Phoebe) and I became very attached. The friendliest was a little sausage dog which followed me all over the campsite like a little shadow. Once settled in our tents, and after sussing out the loos, we chilled for a while in the bar having some beers before dinner. Unfortunately, I (Andy) developed a nasty headache and had to retire to bed very early (and then slept right through until morning). I (Pheebs) went with the group to spot little chameleons in the hedges and trees. We found three and I totally fell in love. Utterly gorgeous, quirky and charming little creatures – my absolute favourite so far. After this wonderful little highlight it was time to catch some zzzzzzz as I hadn’t slept much thus far.