London -> Dallas -> Cancun (Mexico)

Up at 5am to catch the tube from Pheebs’ house to Heathrow. Checking in was a nightmare, the queues were huge and just about made the plane! 10 hours later we made Dallas Fort Worth for a 3 hour transfer wait. Had a couple of beers and some food before boarding another plane for the 2 hour trip to Cancun. Got there and went through immigration very quickly but going through customs took a while. It seems customs here are more careful about what gets brought into the country. We managed to get a bus to our Hotel Club Verano Beat but were rather annoyed that STA hadn’t got our booking through to the hotel and after 21 hour day of travelling and no sleep that was rough. Pheebs threw a wobbly but we still had to pay for the night even though we had already paid in full. Hope to get a refund tomorrow. A beer by the pool later (in the gale force hot wind) it was then time to crash out.