Learning to fly

Flying lesson

Well, that was interesting….. I finally got round to using my birthday present from Phoebe last year which was a 20 minute micro-light flying experience (thanks babe). Now, I thought a micro-light was a hang-glider with a motor on the end of it but I was pleasantly surprised to find it was in a mini plane! 🙂 We didn’t have to go too far down to Popham airfield and were well looked after by the FlyMac management there. Steve my instructor did a fantastic job of looking after me in the air and even let me have a go on the controls. I must admit, I was a little apprehensive in the air as you can feel every single bump of the thermals but I soon got used to it. I think I’m going to have to have another go and see if I’ve got a new hobby in the making……and no I won’t be buying a plane (after owning a boat for 8 years, I think I’ve learnt my lesson of expensive toys!). 🙂

Into the clouds

Pictures from the afternoon are here.