Lake Mburo

Woke again at 6am and left Adrift heading instead for Kampala, the capital of Uganda. We stopped so Bernard could do some shopping and so we went to the supermarket to get a couple of things including fresh doughnuts which were amazing, and warm! Scrum. We wandered for a short while before grabbing a coffee from ‘Mr Tasty’ a fast food joint. Umm nice, not! We set off again through the busy bustling streets of Kampala enjoying the sights and sounds before hitting the countryside. It is a beautiful country, with patchwork mountains and farmland as far as the eye could see. Eventually we made it to the Equator where we were supposedly shown the Coriolis effect with different bowls of water. We were told it is a trick so were rather suspicious, still, it was an event worth witnessing. We also paid a visit to an ‘orphans with aids’ charity store where all the items are hand made and 90% of the cost goes directly to the kids in need. We bought a few bits and then headed back to the truck for lunch. After another bumpy journey we reached the national park at Lake Mburo where we found the campsite. We dropped Bernard and Charles off and were then taken to meet Andrew the park ranger for a walking safari. He took us on a two hour walk though the national park spotting wildlife and explaining their behaviour. We mostly saw gazels, zebra and waterbuck. Andrew was a lovely guy and we had quite a climb at one stage up to a vista point. After the walk we were taken back to camp for dinner and a campfire. I (Andy) snuck off to play with my camera and tripod and take some night-time images of the moon and stars. Everyone headed to bed shortly after surrounded by friendly wart hogs – big chaps they were too!