Lake Bunyoni to Ruhergeri, Rwanda

After packing and breakfasting we headed, pretty swiftly, out of the campsite as we had blocked the entrance for the two pink Swedish adventure buses. Our journey took us from dirt tracks in beautiful surroundings to tarmac, to dirt tracks along the mountainside with sheer drops, finally to tarmac again. It proved interesting when we met big vehicles coming the other way! Our drivers did a sterling job however. After lots of fun going up and down we eventually reached the Rwandan boarder. We had to get out for the usual stamp out and stamp in but we didn’t have to pay a visa fee this time and the boarder control area was quiet and beautiful. Quite a contrast to Uganda which we felt was unwelcoming so we were relieved to be leaving. However, as soon as we passed the boarder, Bernard came to the front of the truck and told us to close the windows as the children were likely to throw stones at us!! Um, after looking forward to getting into Rwanda, this was pretty disheartening. No stones were thrown but the boys kept a keen eye out. We made our approach into the Rwandan countryside which was again, stunning. Rwanda was a little more developed that Uganda. More similar to Kenya really although it has a bloody past what with the genocide and other related history. We eventually arrived at our non-campsite (I wondered why!!), a hotel owned by the church in Ruhengeri. We each had little rooms around a little courtyard garden. The showers were warm and it was quiet although we did have to use mosi nets. Once settled we wondered into town a little apprehensive as to the welcome we would receive but it was fine. We needed to change some money and get some Rwandan Francs but the bank didn’t accept notes lower than $100 so we found a little man in a room (on Charles advice only of course!). We wondered back slowly as there wasn’t much more to see and headed for a swim in the pool which was refreshing. We then had a hot chocolate which was gorgeous and a cake which was stale. After an afternoon snooze we read for a while before dinner. Gorilla trekking tomorrow!!!