Kuta -> Bangkok

Woke up early and bounced out of bed. ~We walked up the road to the restaurant and had porridge and tea. We were again hassled into stuff but he was told to go away. We then went back and got our beach gear. We walked down to the beach, and had time laying there. Giles and I went for a dip but the waves were not strong as last time. Giles and Charlotte went off to have breakfast and Debs and I lay in the sun reading for a while longer. We then went back to our room and had a shower and finished packing. We left the room paid for it and went for lunch up the road. Following that we got a mini bus to take us to the airport for 8000. Once we were there Giles left us for the domestic terminal and we sat around the check in area playing scrabble while we waited for the check in time to arrive. When it did we said goodbye to our luggage and moved to the departure lounge. The flight to Bangkok was not too bad and we arrive 3 1/2 hours later. We transferred to the transfer desk and picked our tickets up. We then sat around for hours reading, playing cards, eating, cheese and crisp sandwiches and staring Indians out. (Wow brought back memories of being in India) Eventually our flight came up and then a little while later the gate number. We then walked to our gate and watched TV while we waited to board. And again after another wait we boarded the plane. My seat was duplicated and had to move away from Debs bit it soon got fixed and sat next to her and we then took off.