Kembu Farm to Lake Nakuru

Woke up early but was able to go back to sleep as we were not leaving today until a leisurely 10am! Had a cold shower and got sorted for the day ahead. Had breakfast and then we both went to try and find another chameleon – quite a challenge in day light. However, one of the guards helped us and finally we found one. What a delight! They are so dinky and cute. We both had him crawling on us changing colour slowly. After our little reptilian adventure we packed up and set off for Nakuru where we stopped for about an hour. We stopped at a supermarket but not before being accosted by street sellers. We managed to throw them off apart from buying a sun hat we (Pheebs) didn’t want aargh! We then headed towards a hotel for a drink in their outdoor bar and more specifically to use their loos! At midday we headed back to the van to continue our drive to Lake Nakuru National Park. We entered the park and became surrounded by little black faced monkeys. As we were all getting close taking pictures one of the little devils launched itself at Julie and scratched her waist breaking the skin. After I (Pheebs) did my bit of first aid – harking back to my needle stick injury training – they were taken by Charles in a cab to the local clinic as we were all worried about rabies exposure. Meanwhile the rest of us became terrified of the little things and ate lunch literally roasting in the truck. We survived however and went on our game drive. This time we found our rhinos! We also saw lots of monkeys and baboons, buffalo and deer. Later we met back up with Julie and Alan and headed back for another drive. This time we stopped at the Soda Lake and saw squillions of water birds – flamingos, pelicans, cormorants, gulls and storks. It was a beautiful (if smelly) moment. We then slowly continued our drive making our way to the isolated and very basic camp site Often told us of. Sadly it started to rain so we had to divert back to the entrance where there was a little site just inside the gate. As it was getting late we all helped out with erecting the tents and getting dinner prepared. We had a campfire tonight which was lovely. We all sat around the fire eating popcorn of all things! Dinner was chilli and rice, perfect, accompanied by two buffalo of course. Alan and I (Andy) chatted about rugby and we all managed to toast some marshmallows – scrum. Then we slowly drifted off to bed not before hearing a scurrying and seeing either a honey badger or mongoose which was kinda cool.