Woke up and headed straight to the truck for breakfast. We then gathered ourselves and took a van to the quad biking centre. We got kitted up in overalls, helmets with 1950’s style goggles and bandanas. We must have looked a motley crew. We got onto our bikes (Pheebs on auto, Andy on semi-auto) and had a practice around the centre. Then we were off! We drove through dusty lanes, pot holed tracks, fields, villages and farms. We of course had to avoid the locals but also their livestock and crops! It was very strange and uncomfortable swanning around the local villages on bikes having fun and splashing out on adventure when the locals are so poor and desperate. Felt wrong in a way but despite this I (Andy) had great fun spinning the wheels, getting the back out and making dust clouds! Yeah thanks. I (Pheebs) almost took the corner of a corn field out but luckily the ground was barren on that patch. It was a bit hair-raising if I am honest. After lots of dusty dirty fun we headed back to the centre to return the bikes and the gear which was in quite a state! We got a lift back to Adrift where we had lovely hot showers and then chilled in the bar before lunch. In the afternoon we just crashed out reading, napping, drinking in the bar. It was good having a down day as it had been so hectic up until now. In the evening we had dinner then drinks in the bar with everyone including Often, Bernard and Charles which was quite a hoot, especially Bernard, he is hilarious.