It's snow use......again!

Happy new year to all and it’s that time again for more snow fun except this time it’s bigger and better (sounds like a film sequel doesn’t it). Yes another large snow dump as coated Basingstoke in the white stuff again just as we were recovering from the last bout before Christmas. I think I need to spend some quality time fixing my car as it’s not liking the cold too much. It turns over well enough but won’t fire. I suspect the glow plugs are all broken now and that will be my first port of call when I get a chance. Didn’t really have time over the Christmas break due to working and being ill :(. Still hopefully I’ll take a day off next week and get it sorted. I’m looking forward to what this year brings in many respect with Pheebs and I getting married, massive changes at work and hopefully a decent honeymoon to look forward to. 🙂