Insulating the Loft

Insulating the Loft

So after purchasing a couple of spray on foam kits from Eco Polyurethane Systems Ltd I managed to finish insulating the loft space in 1 day which I was pleasantly surprised about. This is really in preparation for our long term loft conversion project in order to meet building regs. I probably won’t completely finish the loft this year but will at least get the room ready as luxury storage for the time being and then add a proper staircase once I’ve done some upstairs remodeling.  The spray foam was a little tricky to use as the cylinders has to be at quite warm before you could spray the chemical onto the roofing felt in-between the rafters.  You then had to ensure you got even coverage up to the rafters which I pretty much did in most cases. Once the spray foam add set I could then add 2×1 baton and screw plasterboard on to start to give a finishing touch. The next task will be to get a structural engineer in to measure up getting a couple of steel beams installed to support the new floor joists……

Plaster board covering