In a plane -> Home

After take off we sat staring at the screen and eventually the TV came on it was the Simpson’s. When that was finished we tried to sleep as all the cabin lights went off as we flew into the night. Some time later Debs and I stirred we had been flying for 8 hours which meant only a few more4 to go before we got back to sunny England. What seemed like ages breakfast arrived and a film came on. We both watched that and when it had finished there was only 1/2 hour to go. We both felt a bit nervous as we had not seen our parents for 3 months. Half an hour later we had landed and went through passport control and then collected our bags. We put all our stuff on a trolley and went cleanly through customs. (Lucky Debs had the bomb well!) As we walked out into the arrival hall Debs Dad spotted us and pulled us over. It was nice to see them but no Mum or Luce. We talked for a while and 15 minutes later I spotted them. It was good to see them again. We talked for a while and then we said bye to Charlotte as Tom had arrived. We then left the airport. I went with Luce and Mum back to Debs house. Chris cooked us all breakfast and it was great. I showed some of the photo’s and then we went back home. It was strange being back and the kitchen had changed. I walked around for a while and then Lucy took me out to get a stereo. We popped into see Alex and then went home. I had dinner and then went down the One Oak to see the boys. (Neil, Steve, Matt) and then Tim, Dave and everyone else. After a few pints I nearly fell asleep. I was taken home by Tim and collapsed into bed and fell asleep alone….What an experience!!!