Galapagos Islands to Santiago! Bartolome Islands

Got woken up early (6.15am) as breakfast was at 6.30am due to us starting our Island tow slightly sooner than normal. The boat had sailed all evening and anchored at 4am (which woke us up)! After breakfast we got our snorkelling gear ready and prepared ourselves for a wet landing on the beach. We had a walk through some vegetation and then arrived on lava rock pools and view of the sea. We spotted lots of wildlife again including seals, sea lions, iguanas, lava lizards, cuckoos mocking birds etc. We also saw some interesting rock formations and got wet as the tide came in and out of one (aptly named the Ecudorian toilet!). After that we went back to the beach and snorkelled around the rocks. It was certainly better that yesterday. We managed to play with a sea lion, spotted rays, turtles (1) a white tipped reef shark and lots of fish. After that we headed back to the shore and caught the dinghy back to the boat. Once on board we set sail again for a different island and chilled on deck watching the sights around, until lunchtime. After another 3 course lunch we chilled for a little while before getting ready for snorkelling. At the new island we set off via dinghy to the shore to drop the beach dwellers whilst we moved further around the island to be dropped into the sea for our snorkelling expedition. The snorkelling was very good and the visibility much better than some of our previous sessions. We spotted rays, white tipped reef sharks, seals and various fish. After we finished we headed back to the boat to shower and chill out. We also then prepared for our penultimate trip, to climb the pinnacle of Sullivan Bay to enjoy the views, from the summit. After that we headed back to the boat and had a few beers. After that we packed and then joined everyone upstairs for a drink before having dinner. After that we chilled chatting watched a slide show and the video’s shot by Heni (check out hist website -> Galapagos We then chatted to Laura and Bob for a while before going to bed. We have an early start tomorrow and the start of our long voyage home.