Galapagos Islands to Isabela /Fernandina Island

Woke up around 5am with the sound of the engines starting for our journey to Urbina Bay further up Isabela Island. Dozed for w while until it was time to get up for breakfast at 7am (or just before). After that we got our stuff ready for the dinghy to shore and for our walk. The walk lasted about an hour and a half and we spotted land Iguana’s, tortoises(2) lots of finches, grass hopper, mocking birds, lava lizards etc. At the end of the walk we ended back.
On the beach where we went snorkelling but only saw one puffer fish and a Waho fish. due to the poor visibility. After that we headed back to the board for a shower and chill out time. Meanwhile the Captain moved the boat to Fernandin for the afternoon walk around Espinoza Point. Whilst the boat was moving we had lunch and watched dolphins, sea lions and hunted for whales. After lunch we go ready and set off via the dinghy to shore. There we were greeted by sea lions and iguanas on the black lava. We set off on the walk and spotted a lot of wildlife including various birds, near the tide pools (and turtles, rays, sea lions etc). The highlight was the vast numbers of iguanas sitting on the black lava minding their own business, warming themselves in the tropical heat. We saw lots of the little fellas and included spotting some baby ones as well. After the walk we headed back to the jetty and was picked up by the Mary Jane dinghy and taken back to Sagitta. There we chilled out over some cold beers and chatted to Laura/Rob Paddy/Steve. After that it was shower time!. As were passing the Equator (0.00.00) the Captain invited us up to witness the change o n the bridge, via the GPS. We also had a glass of fizzy stuff to celebrate! After that we had the next day’s briefing from Rafelel before dinner. After dinner I made some space on the camera’s memory sticks with the help of Himie’s laptop. I then hit the sack myself (Pheebs was already in the cabin asleep.