Galapagos Islands to Guayaquil to Madrid to London

Was woken up at 5.20 am this morning as were going on our last dinghy ride around Black Turtle Cove and the mangroves. Whilst motoring or paddling we spotted quite a few turtles, a baby white head shark and pelicans. After the ride we headed back to Sagitta for breakfast (Whilst we ere having breakfast we moved from Black Turtle Cve to Batra) and to complete our packing. When the time came to leave we said goodbye to the captain and crew. We were then transferred to land via dinghy and then transported by bus to the airport.

After some last minute shopping in the shops by the airport we chilled for a little while whilst having a drink and chatting to Laura and Rob. After that we went through to the departure lounge and then to our surprise into the VIP lounge with the rest of the Sagitta passengers. Whilst waiting g for our flight we watched a bib documentary on a large TV which was cool as it showed a lot of the places we had already seen. After that we boarded our flight to Guayaquil which took an hour and fifty minutes. Once we arrived at Guayaquil we collected our bags and found a café to chill out in for a couple of hours before checking in (our flight was at 9.10pm and we arrived at 3.30pm) After some chilling out at the café for an hour and a half we headed to the check in desk and waited for an hour in the queue in order to get rid of our bags. We then headed back to the café for a hot chocolate and to charge my phone in preparation for the flight home (10 hours to Madrid) and then (2 hours of London Heathrow). We then went through to the gate and watched as the plane came to the gate and was refuelled and restocked. The flight left late and we were subjected to the long flight but managed to get some sleep as well as some food (if you can call it that) After the flight landed we had rush at Madrid to get to the next gate for our flight to London. We had to queue through passport control and then queue again through security. Evenutally we made it to the gate and flight in time and home to Basingstoke.