Galapagos Islands to Floreana Island

Woke up after a reasonable sleep (the boat anchored about midnight) and got up for breakfast at After that we got ready for our wet landing at Cormorant Point which had a volcanic sandy beach (olivine – volcanic crystals) and very different to the previous island. From the beach we walked inland to a lagoon with a lonesome flamingo. The lagoon smelt a little bit due to the stagnant water (filled by rain). We then wandered up to a vista before walking to a turtle nesting beach (with white coral sand). We did sport quite a few turtles in the water and even a couple mating close to shore. We also spotted turtle tracks from the shore to the nesting site. From there we headed back to the boat to get ready for our morning snorkelling session off Devils Crown. We spotted a school of puffer fish and dolphins before snorkelling! (off the bow and around the ship). The snorkelling session was great (I hired a shorty as my 5 Element top was not warm enough) and we spotted Whale tip reef shark, rays, puffer fish and various other fish. After having fun in the sea we headed back to the boat for
showers and lunch. During lunch the boat was moved to Post Office Bay for our afternoon walk and snorkelling session. For that we got our wet gear ready (and suited) before heading via dingy to the beach at Post Office Bay. From the beach we walked a very short distance to the Post Office barrel. The original barrel has long since gone but there is another in its place. During whaling times passing ships use to leave letters and parcels for the next passing ship to deliver if they were going that way. Pheebs and I wrote postcards to our parents in the vain hope that one day they will be delivered by hand to our parent’s addresses. We also checked to see if there was anything in our vicinity which we would deliver and there was not. After that we went snorkelling off the beach and spotted a Ray, a White Tip Reef Shark and quite a few green turtles. Watching the turtles was the highlight of the session as they did not seem phased by us observing them at all (even managed to video the underwater close up and also spotted a puffer fish!).

After the snorkelling we headed back to the boat to shower and chill out (which involved sitting on deck with a beer) During that time we spotted some blow spray from whales but that is all we saw. NOTE (Just before lunch we saw lots of dolphins in big schools* (also called pods) following our boat and others). After that we chilled further before having dinner and chatting to our fellow guests. After dinner we headed to bed as we have an early morning ahead of us. BTW we also started moving to our next destination after Post Office Bay so should arrive 2am tomorrow!