Galapagos Islands (PTO Ayora)

Woke up quite early and well before the alarm went off to the gentle rocking of Sagitta with Pheebs in the top bunk! (I had the luxury of the bottom double bunk!) We got up and went to the dinning room for breakfast. After which our guide Alex told us he was not feeling too good and that we would be getting another guide for the rest of our trip (which was a shame as he was a particularly good one!) Anyhow we got our day packs sorted and were then transported to the port via dingy where we met our new guide Rafiel (who was also good but had a tendency to overload you with useful information) . We were then taken to the Darwin Research Station and shown giant tortoises (who were amazing) and various others (including the legendary Lonesome George!) We also saw baby tortoises of various ages and some Land Iguanas. After that we wandered back to town and met the rest of the group. We were then taken to Angemyer Point for lunch which was another 3 course meal!. After that we were taken by bus to the highlands and taken to a tortoise area where there were some mating tortoises! And a big pond with lots soaking and basking in the sun. it was pretty amazing to watch them moving slowly around and checking us out as we were checking them out! It is quite amazing to know that some are over a 100 to 150 years old and have been through two world wars! (and everything else). We spent a bit of time checking them out before heading back too the bus and PTO Ayora. From there we headed back to the boat to have a quick snack and a beer. We then had a shower in preparation for dinner. At 7pm the dinner bell rang and we ate downstairs around 2 different tables. After which we chilled out on deck watching the visiting Pelicans sitting on various parts of the boat. This evening was going to be our night passage to Isla Espanola (Hood) which commenced at 10pm!