Galapagos Island to Isabela Island

Woke up at 6am as we were having an early start to walk over Isabela Island (we had an interesting alarm call at 2am when the ship anchored off Moleno Point). We had breakfast at 6.30am and then left the ship via dingy to land on the lava fields. The lava fields look so barren and odd that I can understand them being likened to the surface of the moon or hell. The surface is totally uneven with strange formations in the rock caused by the molten lava cooling to irregular shapes. Rafelel reckoned that this was roughly 1000 to 3000 years old since it last flowed. We wandered around the fields seeing caked lagoons (with several flamingos) strange lava formations etc. Towards the end of the walk we found a large lagoon with two white tipped reef sharks in, a puffer fish and several other species of fish in it. We assume that during high (spring tides?) that the wildlife got trapped (which some unfortunate turtle did in the branches of a mangrove and was unfortunately trapped permanently).After that we were picked up by the dingy and taken to see penguins of the rocks, flightless cormorants land iguanas and pelicans which was very cool. Once back at the boat we got ready for snorkelling and then headed out again on the dingy off Moreno Point where we jumped in. Unfortunately the water was cold and the visibility poor but we did manage to swim with a single penguin. After that (and it was a short session) we headed back to the shower and chill out before lunch. Lunch was good and included some impressive food displays. It also included 3 courses as per usual! (we could get used to this). After lunch we went in two dinghies into Elizabeth Bay (in fact the boat moved after we got back from our first morning visit to Elizabeth Bay!) where we saw penguins on a rock along with blue footed boobies!. We also travelled into the mangrove forests and then turned off the outboard to travel by paddle so we could observe wildlife without disturbing it. We spotted various birds, a sea lion lounging in a tree and several turtles swimming. After a while we headed back to the boat to chill and I had a guided tour of the engine room by the ship’s engineer! We then had a G&T and read some Galapagos books before dinner. After dinner we watched some Galapagos DVD’s in the ship’s library before heading to bed at 9.30pm. Holidays are such a hard life!!