Football, beer and Joey.

Bugger, another world cup football career over……but I’m not surprised really. Did we actually think we could win playing like we did…..nope. Still it’s still really tense watching England play and we don’t seem to take the easy path. Next year it’s the Rugby world cup but I don’t rate our chances there either, still the Six Nations is always good fun to watch but nothing can compare to the 2003 England Rugby world cup campaign……maybe one day it’ll happen again…………yeah right


Still we had a pleasent evening even if we did do badly at the football as it was that time of year again for Jo’s birthday. Again, we headed off to the Jolly Farmer in Worplesdon for beer and food but were slightly late due to the football….whoops. Still, we made up for it with a bottle of champagne for Joey and sat outside to enjoy the English weather! Food, beer and strange conversations later ended the day a happy one. So happy Birthday to Joey…. 🙂 (Can’t wait to see the pictures from Andy!).