Flores -> Tikal

Knackered in Tikal
Up early again and went out to find breakfast – had pancakes which then just sat in our stomachs although after a poor night sleep (cold) it helped. Wandered around a bit and had found an internet café so we could check our travel plans to Belize. After that we found a quiet café for a drink and a snack. Unfortunately, the Guatemalan bottom revenge decided to play a visit to me. Just when we had left and returned to the hotel to collect our bags it struck again so I had to run back to the bar to borrow their loo. I didn’t feel at my best and nearly cancelled our drive to Tikal. Luckily enough we decided to go for it and I made it without incident to the Jaguar Inn at Tikal reserve. We got a really nice room with a hammock outside and candles as the power went off at 9pm. We went for a quick exploration and then headed back for a shower while the hot water was on. We popped out for a drink and some food which was good except I was still not feeling great so I just had soup. We went back to the apartment lit the candles and chilled reading for a while before going to sleep zzzzzzzz