Flores -> Caye Caulker (Belize)

Caye Caulker
Up again at 5.45 (crazy now) and made our way to catch the bus to Belize. Once we were on the bus it left at 7am and we drove through Guatemala to the boarder where we had to go through immigration to enter Belize. Once in Belize we continued by bus to Belize City and caught the water taxi to Caye Caulker. The speedboat trip to the island was good fun and once we got there we were helped to find a hotel in the south of the island. We then dumped our stuff and found somewhere to eat. We then paid a visit to the Split at the north end (which was split in two by hurricane Haiti) for a quick dip (well I did, the sun had gone down and Phoebe was getting chilly). The water was really warm and even quite a lot of sea life for my quick swim. Once the sun was setting we headed back for showers (I had a cold one as I couldn’t work it and Phoebe had a hot one!). We had every intention of going out for dinner but we both passed out at 6pm and then woke at 10pm, so we went to bed without dinner – again! Oh well…..