Family......the italian way....

Man, what a weekend spent with the family! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen my cousin Tony who I think has the resemblance of Tony Soprano (thank god I’m related!). Mum, Dad and I made our way up via central london to Romford, Essex where we were gonna have a PU in a pub somewhere. This seemed like a simple plan but got slightly amusing at the travel lodge where someone had screwed up the reservations. Looked like I was gonna sleep on the street! Anyhow had a quick beer with my Aunty and Uncle before getting a taxi to the pub where my Cousin and his new wife Sarah were partying it up. Several shocking moments later as I recognised who everyone was the beer started to flow. However I think Mum had one too many early and was taken home by Dad! lol Still I managed to continue drinking with my Aunt and Uncle….let’s hope I made sence at the time hey!

Anyhow I continued without the parents and hung with my Cousin meeting his mates. Eventually the evening came to a head and we ended up walking back to Tony and Sarah’s house for more beers. Tony and I stayed up until 5am talking about the good old days of Nan and Grandad.

Four hours of kip later and a half eaten sausage sandwich later, Mum, Dad, Dawn and Ron turned up at Tony’s as they were going to take a trip down memory lane. We eventually all met down another pub for lunch where the two pints started the hangover delay! Mum also had a hangover but that’s hardly surprising is it! A brilliant day seeing everyone, I’m hopeing not to leave it too long next time.

Man what a hangover in the evening!….. doh