Eldoret to Jinja, Uganda

Up at 6am again and tired today due to very inebriated neighbors coming back and shouting their mouths off at 2am. Just when we thought it was quietening down, their mating ritual started! Nice. When they shut up then the local dogs started – they sounded like wolves it was quite amazing, but loud. So all this together with the constant shuffling noise on our roof made me think the tent may have been the better option despite the rain. Anyhow, we got up for a shower but abandoned the idea as the water was now cold. We packed and made our way to the truck for breakfast. We then had a little time to wander around the site and found a little river at the bottom of the hill. Finally we set off for our long drive to Uganda! Half way to the boarder we stopped for a ‘bush visit’ and then set off again. Eventually we made it to the boarder. We were glad we didn’t have to queue in the goods lane as it would have taken us literally days to get through. Passenger vehicles could pass straight through. The boarder itself went quite smoothly, we just had to get stamped out of Kenya and in to Uganda (plus paying the visa of $50 each). We had now entered Uganda. We stopped for some lunch randomly at a petrol station where the crew just set up the tables. Clearly we were unwelcome as some mad man came running over behaving like a chicken. I think he was cursing us personally but who knows!? The crew seemed a tad edgy and were very keen for us to get going so that is what we did. Driving through the countryside was interesting and you could notice the difference. Uganda was much poorer and less developed. We arrived in Jinja, changed some money at the bank with a very sour faced woman, and made our way to the campsite (Adrift). It was certainly well located overlooking the mouth of the Nile River. We had a quick beer before being allocated our static tents. We headed back to the bar to relax and unwind, returning again after dinner of course for some friendly debate with our travel companions.