Ed and Claire finally get hitched

Ed and Claire

Hats off to both Ed and Claire who finally got married at the weekend with me as the job of best man. Managed to take Thursday and Friday off so I could sort out the preparation work needed to be done for the wedding and to put the final touches to my speech (tee hee). Friday evening was spent at the Branksome Place Hotel at Haslemere with rest of the Scott’s. I made sure that Ed didn’t drink too much and made sure we went to bed early. After what seemed like no sleep for me it was time to get up and get ready but not before having a good hearty breakfast. All seemed to be going well until Gus (Ed’s brother) managed to lose his car keys and then lock himself out of his room. This then required him to get a spare from reception but just as he sorted that out Ed also managed to lock himself out of his room……doh.

Groom and Best Man

Once we were both dressed we got a lift to the Frensham Pond Hotel where the wedding ceremony was going to be held. We managed to have a quick swift half whilst the guest were turning up before having to go through and wait for the bride to turn up. Gladly Claire turned up and Ed and Claire finally tied the knot (otherwise I would have had to do it!).

Ed and Claire and the car!

Once it was all over Ed and Claire got picked up by a Rolls Royce and taken to the Chichester Hall in Witely for the reception. Once there we had the final finishing touches to the hall before the rest of the guests arrived. That also gave me time to prepare the projector for part of Ed’s presentation I was going to make. After some shouting to introduce the newly married couple the afternoons proceedings continued with the speeches. Claire’s dad went first and then Ed who although nervous gave a splendid one. Then came my turn…………..which was very enjoyable watching Ed squirm as I embarrassed him with his own childhood stories carefully extracted from his parents. The best bit in my mind was the film I’d made using video clips and photos I’d collected over the years. It seemed to go down well and several people surprisingly enough wanted a copy, although Claire was the first to ask once the speech had finished. The avi version (27mb) can be downloaded from here. After food the Ceilidh band arrived and after several hours of making fools of ourselves the evening finished. So all in all a fantastic day for two of my favorite friends.

A big congratulations to you both! 🙂

Pictures from the days events can be found here.