
We got up showered and then met everyone in the lobby as we were walking into town for breakfast. Carlos made us walk for a little while into the city centre before we go to the restaurant. After breakfast we were given a short tour of the city with a walk through the new church which was interesting, as it was so busy for a Monday! (and a morning was well). After that we were marched to the Panama hat factory at the outskirts of town and given a tour of the factory. Interestingly enough the panama hat is from Ecudor “NOTâ€? Panama. Apparently when building the canal they shipped all the hats to Panama and it sort of acquired the name (due to a large number of hats sold). From there we took a taxi back to the centre. There we found the Wandebu for lunch. After that we walked to the Museo central and wandered around looking at various artefacts and cultural exhibits. After that we walked outside and wandered around the Inca garden which was very pleasant. They also had some birds in a cage. After another long walk back to the hotel we chilled for a bit and then got ready for dinner. We walked into town and found the Mexican which was good . After that we walked back to our hotel and went to bed.