Cuenca to Quito

Woke up (as per usual) and had a shower (we both did) before finishing packing. We then had breakfast before getting a taxi to Cajas National Park with the rest of our tour. Once there we paid and then started the walk around the lake (which was at 4000 feet above sea level) (and which we all noticed)! After an hour and a half we made it back to the taxis (who waited whilst we walked) who then raced back to our hotel. From there Pheebs and I checked out and left our luggage in Heather and Doug’s room before wandering into tow n with Jennifer. We ended up at a vegetarian restaurant. After which Pheebs and I wandered along the river(and I got a bit splashed). We then made our way back to the hotel (via the ice cream shop) and waited for a little while for everyone else to get back. We all then got into taxis to the airport for our trip back to Quito. The flight was only 35 minutes and once back we got a van back, to the original hotel we started in!. Pheebs and I went out for dinner (which involved beef (and beer and ?) before going back to the hotel.